Ftira biz-zejt.

Illum qattajt ftit tal-hin mat-tfal taghna tat-tieni klassi tal-primarja tas Sa Schembri, is-Sa Grech Santucci u s-Sur Cini. Fil- klassi kienu qeghdin jaqraw il-ktieb “Ghand tal-Forn”. Certament ma naqsitx is-sessjoni prattika fuq is-suggett u allura l- ghaliema flimkien mal-assistent hasbu biex ihawru ftira tal-Malti biex nesperjenzaw it-tjubija tal-hobz Malti.GRAZZI Ms Doris, Mr Etienne, Ms Louise u t-tfal!(PS: Il- maskla giet imnehhija biss waqt l-ikel)

Important note re: Second Term


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had a well-deserved break. Let’s hope for a better year ahead. As you may be already aware, school will resume online on Friday 7th January. School will re-open physically on Monday 10th January. All the respective teachers and LSEs have been informed and you will receive an invite on MS Teams for your child/ren to follow the lessons from home. All students are expected to follow these online lessons according to their time-table, and attendance will be taken. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school in a safe environment. Therefore, we remind you not to send your child/ren to school if he/she is sick. Also, it is important to send a medical certificate that states when your child is fit to attend school, in case he/she is sick, even after an absence of one day. No medical certificate is needed to start school following the winter break. Thank you for your cooperation, and kindly follow all Covid-19 procedures.

Best wishes to you and your families for the new year 2022.

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School

Inpinġi bl-Imqass ma’ Henri Matisse by Doris Schembri featured on Television Malta a couple of days ago. The book is published in collaboration with the National Literacy Agency. Fun fact: This book is the product of a school, as the author, illustrator, publisher and pagesetter are all from Mariam Albatool School! Inpinġi bl-Imqass ma’ Henri Matisse ta’ Doris Schembri deher fuq TVM jumejn ilu. Il-ktieb ġie ppubblikat b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu. Fatt interessanti: Dan il-ktieb sar bħala skola għax l-awtriċi, l-illustrattriċi, il-publikattriċi u d-disinjatur huma kollha minn Mariam Albatool School!

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!