In my class we use the ‘Project approach’ where the teacher observes the students and their play and then designs and plans activities that interest the students. During the last few weeks the children started to play pretend that they are police officers and thieves so I though of inviting a police officer to come and surprise the students in KG2R.
Today on the 1st of April children were playing police and thieves or as they like to say ‘police and bad guys’. All dressed up with hats and masks they were surprised by W PC25 Ms.Charleen Cilia who came in our KG2R class.
The children loved the idea of Ms.Cilia visiting us in class and listened attentively to what she had to say. The children shared with her what they already knew about the role of the police officer. She interacted affably with the children who were hooked listening to what she had to say.
Ms.Cilia mentioned the importance of safety and how as a police officer she has to ensure the well being of every citizen especially children who are very much at her heart. She explained that police officers are to see that everyone obeys the rules and that she wants the little students to help her out. She provided a badge to every student who promised her that they will be little police helpers. One of their first role to help out their job is to remember to sit at the back of the car with the seat belts on. Another small job for the little helpers is to remind their parents to never answer their mobile phones when driving. She showed the students a very simple way to remember the 112 and why and when to use it.
The police officer explained through real life examples what is stranger danger. She also showed the students videos showing different roles of her job. She played a youtube song and also some more videos.
Ms.Cilia also called a police sergeant who came in the school yard with a police motorbike and all the students had the opportunity to have a ride and listen to the serine. Ms.Cilia explained that police officers are friends to children and that if there is anything upsetting them they are to trust the police as they will always believe them. Ms.Cilia lleft some educational tokens which will be distributed to the children.
Ms.Cilia mentioned several times how well behaved the students were and that she will revisit us if the nature of the work permits it.
The school administration and myself would like to thank the police members who visited us this morning. We are sure that it was an experience never to be forgotten.