Curious and Courageous Activity

As part of the Culture Pass Scheme, a story animator from “Curious and Courageous- Lingnin Stories” produced a performance for years 1, 2 and 3 at our school. These activity sessions encourage reading and promote language and creative thinking.

The story was about the stone statue which in the story wakes up during the night. This statue dates back from the Neolithic period in Malta and it was found in the Hal Saflieni hypogeum. It symbolises the eternal sleep. It is now found in the National Archeology museum in Valletta. With the culture card given to your child last year they can visit it for free. This visit might come in handy for future history lessons your child might be having. Below is a link about this statue. You should ask them about this story…..…/the-sle…/bgKS7KPNk-UDKw…

The school administration would like to thank all those involved in the activity.

Indian art at Mariam Albatool School

Indian Paper Art at Mariam Albatool School
Yesterday at Mariam Albatool School a talented Indian artist by the name of Mr Ram has visitied Mariam Albatool School to deliver a performance in paper art making. Paper craft is the collection of art forms employing paper or card as the primary artistic medium for the creation of one, two or three-dimensional objects. Paper and card stock are the most widely used material in arts and crafts. He constructed a number of beautiful crafts which delighted the children who were enthusiatic to participate along with the artist. Mr Ram will be at Mariam Albatool School today to share his talents again with the parents attending Parents’ Day. A big well done to Mr Ram and the students!

Outing at the farm

Last week we had our long-awaited outing at The Farm. It was a wonderful and enriching experience for the children through which they learned a lot! Farmer Mark gave us plenty of information about the sheep and lambs on his farm. We saw Farmer Mark feeding and milking the sheep. He explained that every time he milks the sheep he checks that they are in good health and so their milk is good to use. Farmer Mark showed us how cheeselets (ġbejniet) are made out of the fresh milk and the children had the opportunity to taste the cheeselets too. Farmer Mark also showed us the lambs and the children could see them at close range and pet them too!  We had a picnic on the farm and the children also had time to run and play in the fresh open air. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and this was definitely an outing that they will remember 🙂

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