Welcome Note

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatu illahi wa Barakatu.

Dear Parents,

I am Ms. Romina and In sha’ Allah this scholastic year I will be
teaching Kindergarten 2. I am a qualified Kindergarten Educator and
I have been part of Mariam Albatool School for a long number of
years. Throughout these years I gained experience in Year 1,
Kindergarten 2 and Kindergarten 1. I am very passionate about my
job and I take the responsabilty of each and every child entrusted
in my care very seriously. I am also a wife and a mother of two
beautiful children. If you are new parent or if you are interested in
enrolling your child in our school feel free to fix and appointment
and visit our beautiful kindergarten classes were we can explain
better our teaching methods and the pedagogies we follow. I am
sure that with your support we will give your child a beatiful learning
In Kindergarten our students will be learning through the Emergent
curriculum (more info on https://www.brighthorizons.com/family-
resources/emergent-curriculum-early-education-approach ). I will be
continously observing what are the children’s strengths, needs and
interests and plan activities accordingly. Throughout this curriculum
we look at the holistic development and well being of our students
and do not focus only on one area of development. This method of
teaching uses the abilities and strengths of our students and helps
me assit my students to scaffold and reach their next milestone.
Thank you for your interest!

IMPORTANT Re: The opening of School

Dear parents,

Good morning to all.

I am writing to inform you that Mariam Al Batool school will open its doors for students at Primary level next Wednesday 30th September, and Monday 5th October for Kindergarten students. It has been decided that our school will proceed as planned in order to accommodate parents who work. Having said that, parents are free to choose whether they will send their children to school or leave them home.

Thank you for your attention.

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!