New message from HoS 04/10/2020

Gheziez Genituri,

Din in-nota hija biex ninfurmakom li l-klassijiet tal-Kindergarten u l-Year 1 mhux ser jidhlu skola din il-gimgha (mit-Tnejn, 5, sal-Gimgha, 9 ta’ Ottubru), minhabba li wahda mill-edukaturi taghna harget pozittiva ghall-Covid-19. Il-kumplament tal-klassijiet, mit-Tieni Sena sas-Sitt Sena, s’issa ser jifthu normali fl-iskola.Se nkunu qed inzommukom aggornati f’kaz li jkollna xi tibdil.

Grazzi u tislijiet,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Kap tal-iskola

Dear Parents,

This note is to inform parents of Kindergarten classes and Year 1, that the children are not going to attend school for this week (Monday 5th October to Friday 9th October), because one of our educators has tested positive for Covid-19. With regards to the rest of the classes, Year 2 to Year 6, school resumes as normal. We are going to keep you updated, in case of any changes.

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School

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