Information Meeting

Brian Vassallo |

It was a pleasure for us to be holding an information meeting this morning at Mariam Albatool School. During the meeting a number important themes were discussed. Mr Brian Vassallo (Assistant Head of School spoke about the changes envisaged in the benchmark examination for the upcoming years. Also, access arrangements for children with special needs were discussed with parents. Then the session proceeded by another presentation by Mr Vassallo who spoke in detail about PIRLS (Progress in International Literacy Survey) -an international test being held next year. Later a questionnaire was distributed to parents as part of an ongoing evaluation which the school administration undergoes to determine the future goals of the school. The session proceeded by a very interesting presentation on the use of tablets by Ms Marthese Borda who is an Education Specialist on the subject. The meeting was coordinated by Ms Debbie Atanasio (Assistant Head of School). Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) attended this informative meeting and answered any queries arising from the floor. Particular thanks go to the parents who expressed their satisfaction at the high level of commitment shown by all staff at Mariam Albatool School. A big well done to all !

Water Project

Brian Vassallo | KG2R

As part of the project ‘Water’, KG2R students had the opportunity to observe the operations a real fire truck. They listened to the sirenes, switched on the lights and spoke to a fire fighter on duty. They actively listened to him describing the nature of his job and observed his ability to use all the equipment at his disposition.
The pupils relished the opportunity to wear appropriate clothing and use water hoses diligently. This stimulated their curiosity and expressed their desire to know more. His dedication and patience were evident in the way he handled children’s queries.
The school administration would like to thank Mr Depasquale for sharing his expertise in away which children can understand. Particular thanks go to Ms Romina Bugeja for her initiative to provide a concrete experience for our young ones.
This activity formed part of an ongoing e-twinning project on water.

The Octopus Project

Brian Vassallo | , Y1

The Octopus Project

 This week the children of Yr 1 learnt about the letter sound ‘o’. Our theme this month is about Animals and the animal we discussed this week was the octopus. We watched videos and learnt that an octopus has 3 hearts and it also has blue blood!! Octopuses come in different sizes and can change colours to hide away and not get eaten. The children learnt several new words that begin with the letter sound ‘o’. In Crafts we worked on our Octopus Project made out of coloured paper and paper plates. When doing this project the children learnt to listen carefully and to follow instructions. This is very important because the children will learn to pay attention and so they know what to do. This makes them responsible for their learning and independent too. Using the paint brushes, the scissors and glitter glues helps the children to have stronger muscles in their fingers. Strong muscles helps them when they write. The children were very much engaged in the activity as you can see from the photos that are attached. They were very focused on their work and all of them finished their task really well. They are very proud of their work which we displayed in class 🙂   Kindly share photos with your children ….they truly deserve to be praised!!!

Mawra s’ Ghawdex

Brian Vassallo | , , Y3

Mawra fejn tfal taghna tal-Year 2 ltaqghu ma’ tfal ohrajn tal-iskola Primarja ta’ San Lawrenz, Ghawdex.

Esperjenza unika u mill-isbah fejn ghat-tfal ma tezisti l-ebda tip ta’ barriera. Bl-innocenza u bit-tbissima taghhom, it-tfal jghallmuna hafna. Prosit tassew! Bravi hafna!

Grazzi lis-Sur Saviour Tabone, il-kap tal-iskola, u l-istaff kollu tal-iskola tal-istedina u l-ospitalita’ taghhom.

Kenneth Busuttil

Visit by Her Excellency Ms Brigitte Curmi- French Ambassador for Malta

Brian Vassallo | ,

Visit by French Ambassador for Malta, Her Excellency Brigette Curmi at Mariam Albatool School.

Today staff and students were honoured by a visit from Her Excellency, Ms Brigitte Curmi – the French Amabassador for Malta. During her visit she was also accompanied by His Excellency the Libyan Ambassador for Malta, Mr Saadun Suayeh together with other distinguished guests.
Ms Curmi was later toured around the school accompanied by Imam Muhammad El Sadi, Dr Mohammed Kablan, Mr Kenneth Busuttil, Mr Brian Vassallo and Ms Deborah Atanasio.

During her visit Ms Curmi expressed her pleasure at being surrounded by such an enthusiastic group of educators and students. She also expressed her sincere gratitude at the warm reception organised by Imam Muhammad El Sadi -Director of the school. Ms Curmi iterated her support to the school and expressed her desire for further collaboration in the near future.

The school administration would like to thank Ms Curmi, Mr Suayeh and the other distinguished guests for visiting Mariam Albatool School.

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Pink October Day at Mariam Albatool School

Brian Vassallo | , , Y3

For the Pink Day at school, the Year 6J class came up with the idea of making milkshakes in class. The children put the milk, yoghurt and some banana in a container and used the blender to mix everything together. They topped up the milkshake with some whipped cream and flying saucers. Paper cups and straws were used so as to minimize the use of plastic.

e-twinning at Mariam Albatool

Brian Vassallo | , , Y2

It was indeed a pleasure for us to be presenting e-twinning certificates to our students. The school administration would like to thank Ms Doris Schembri for her efforts in coordinating the activities

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