Book Donation from National Literacy Agency

Brian Vassallo | Y5

Yesterday, two representatives from the Reading Literacy Agency visited our Year 5 class to donate some books. These were donated after a poetry book published by the year 5s was reviewed by the CEO of the Literacy Agency Mr David Muscat who was so pleased that he awarded the class with 26 reading books.

These books are now in the classroom library for the students to borrow. The school administration would like to thank Ms Nicole Muscat for her initiative. A word of thanks also goes to Ms Etienne Cini for the support he gives to the class.

May we remind you that should anyone wish to purchase this book it is available for the cost of €2.50. It is important to support our students and embrace reading.

Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il-Malti

Brian Vassallo | Y4

Tkompli l- hidma: Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il Fehim mill-qari. Introduzzjoni tal-lezzjoni billi t-tfal gew murija kaxxa u jippruvaw jaqtghu x’hemm fiha skont il-hoss tac-cekcik. Wara inghaqdu fi gruppi biex jirrectaw dwar holma li kellhom.Mill-qari tas-silta, l-istudenti kienu mharrga f’vokabularju gdid u fehim mill-qari.
Grazzi lil Ms Jessica Muscat u lil Ms Christine Refalo tax- xoghol taghhom.

Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il-Malti

Brian Vassallo | KG2R

Inkomplu bi Pjan ta’ Azzjoni effettiv favur il-Lingwa Maltija.
L-Istorja ta’ Biskuttinu.
Fil-klassi ta Ms Romina it tfal semghu u komplew istorja, kienu kapaci jaghmlu l-istorja f’ sekwenza bl uzu ta’ stampi segwiti minn movimenti fizici, u wara ghamlu biskuttinu billi wahhlu l ghajnejn u l buttuni. L- Amministrazjoni tixtieq tirringrazja lil Ms Romina, Ms Yvonne u Ms Ingrid tad-dedikazzjoni kbira taghhom favur it-tfal.

e-Twinning participation

Brian Vassallo | Y2

For their participation in the eTwinning competition.
To recreate the #eTwinning logo from recycled materials, students and educators from year 3 (Ms Doris) and the migrant hub (Ms Daniela) were awarded with tokens during the eTwinning National Support Services (Dr Rosanna Camilleri). The school administration would like to thank these two very dedicated teachers for their initiative.

Whole school action plan in Mathematics- Year 6J

Brian Vassallo | Y4

Understanding time is an important skill to learn and apply in our daily lives. Once you’ve learned how to read a clock, you can put your skills to good use. This is what I observed in Ms Jessica’s class as she used a variety of resources to boost ‘clock skills’ during one of her Maths lessons in year 6D class.
Thank you Ms Jessica and Ms Christine (LSE) for the excellent job !

Whole School Action Plan in Mathematics

Brian Vassallo | Y1

At Mariam Albatool we believe in making maths real by teaching it in the context of our children’s everyday lives. This is exactly what I observed today in Year 1 Ms Juanita’s class who together with Ms Sharone developed a hands-on activitiy which helped children to increase proficiency in number work. During the activity the children were encouraged to look for and identify number patterns which make up the number 5. It was a joy observing these young learners extending, correcting and creating number patterns. Well done to Ms Junaita, Ms Sharone and their your young learners.

Numeracy Action Plan in KG 1F

Brian Vassallo | KG1F

Today I had the privilage to be sharing high quality support with Ms Fathiya (teacher) and Ms Jennifer (LSE) in their KG 1 class. During my visit I was able to observe a) Sustained Attention b) Cognitive Flexibility, c) Multiple Simultaneous Attention, d) Working Memory and e) Pattern Recognition. A big well done to the team of educators and students.