Year 6 2021-2022 Farewell Celebrations

The 27th June 2022 marked the farewell celebrations of our year 6s as they proceed their educational journey in secondary schools. The event was celebrated though a number of activities which culminated into the award of trofies from the Head of School Mr Kenneth Busuttil together with the assistant heads Mr Brian Vassallo and Ms Debbie Atansio.

The school administration wishes the best for our students also the best of luck for the future.

Thank you.

The School Administration

Important note re: Second Term


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had a well-deserved break. Let’s hope for a better year ahead. As you may be already aware, school will resume online on Friday 7th January. School will re-open physically on Monday 10th January. All the respective teachers and LSEs have been informed and you will receive an invite on MS Teams for your child/ren to follow the lessons from home. All students are expected to follow these online lessons according to their time-table, and attendance will be taken. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school in a safe environment. Therefore, we remind you not to send your child/ren to school if he/she is sick. Also, it is important to send a medical certificate that states when your child is fit to attend school, in case he/she is sick, even after an absence of one day. No medical certificate is needed to start school following the winter break. Thank you for your cooperation, and kindly follow all Covid-19 procedures.

Best wishes to you and your families for the new year 2022.

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School

Message from the School Administration

As Salaamu Aleikom,

Dear Parents,

First allow us to thank all those who continuously show support and understanding as we, as school and community, respond to the unexpected invasion of COVID-19. We are proud of the way most of our students, parents, employees and community leaders handled the demands we are faced with to protect everyone as we continue to educate our students during the most unusual of circumstances.However new concerns and worries arise. May we bring to your attention that it has come to our knowledge that some of our students, irrespective of the guidelines issued by the Maltese health authorities to limit travel to essential travel only, travelled abroad during the winter break. Following this update, a link to guidelines on restrictions and safe travel was posted in all class fb pages during the holidays. May we kindly ask all those who travelled or have spent time with relatives who have recently travelled to come forward in order that we may explain procedures to be taken depending on the country they visited or travelled from. Also, it would be greatly appreciated if we are informed beforehand when you or any member of your family need to travel. Your commitment and positivity is our key to success. Together we must be proactive and prepared during these ever-changing times in order that we may continue to educate our children. Let us together try to continue school as normal with enhanced safety precautions, in order to possibly prevent the transition to a hybrid or full distance learning.

Last but not least kindly be advised that sometimes should there be a cause of concern the authorities may request that you present your passport for verification of travel. In any case, your sincerity is our main tool. Our goal is to find the best way to have our students and staff as safe as possible to ensure the health and well-being of all.Thank you for your continued cooperation as we strive to do what is best for ALL of our students and employees during these challenging times.

Ms. Simone Palmier Arab



Important Message from HoS. 06-01-2021

Dear Parents,

I hope that you are well and had restful holidays. This note is to inform you that in cases where students were abroad, the regulations set out by the Superintendent of Health, have to be observed, particularly, those that stipulate a quarantine period. Kindly refer to the link of the legal notices attached here for your reference.

We appreciate your cooperation in this important matter, for the health and safety of all concerned.

Kind regards

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School


Once again, Mariam Albatool School has been presented with the Silver Award in the Book Champions Schools Awards organised by the National Literacy Agency within the Ministry of Education and Employment. The event was a whole school effort encouraging children to inculcate the love for books and of reading. The school administration would like to thank all educators participating in the event. Particular thanks go to Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat for compiling and coordinating the project. A big well done to all!

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Welcome the school website!
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