Hand Printing

Hand painting is a great way for children to explore, learn and develop through sensory play. When children can feel the cool, squishy texture of the paint and experiment with colour and patterns, it encourages their creativity. It’s also a good way for children to express emotions.

This is exactly what Ms Sara Chetcuti, one of our Kg teachers was doing in class today.

Thank you for inviting me in class. It was a really pleasurable and enjoyable experience !

Very well done to Ms Sara Chetcuti, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef and Ms Miriam Micallef!

Important note re: Second Term


Dear Parents/Guardians,

We hope you had a well-deserved break. Let’s hope for a better year ahead. As you may be already aware, school will resume online on Friday 7th January. School will re-open physically on Monday 10th January. All the respective teachers and LSEs have been informed and you will receive an invite on MS Teams for your child/ren to follow the lessons from home. All students are expected to follow these online lessons according to their time-table, and attendance will be taken. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school in a safe environment. Therefore, we remind you not to send your child/ren to school if he/she is sick. Also, it is important to send a medical certificate that states when your child is fit to attend school, in case he/she is sick, even after an absence of one day. No medical certificate is needed to start school following the winter break. Thank you for your cooperation, and kindly follow all Covid-19 procedures.

Best wishes to you and your families for the new year 2022.

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School


Once again, Mariam Albatool School has been presented with the Silver Award in the Book Champions Schools Awards organised by the National Literacy Agency within the Ministry of Education and Employment. The event was a whole school effort encouraging children to inculcate the love for books and of reading. The school administration would like to thank all educators participating in the event. Particular thanks go to Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat for compiling and coordinating the project. A big well done to all!

Hand printing activity.

The aim of this activity is for the children to foster a sense of belonging; decorating our classroom door, thus creating a relaxed environment where learning is fun.

Welcome Note: Ms Claudette


Dear parents,

I am Ms. Claudette and this year I shall be teaching KG1. At Mariam al Batool School we use the Emergent Curriculum approach which basically means that we observe the children to better understand their interests and from there we create themes and material to teach them through play.I believe that first and foremost the children have to form a bond with the teacher and also with their peers. Only then they can feel a sense of belonging which will allow them to start enjoying learning.This year this might be a little difficult but my aim is to make the children feel safe, loved and welcome. Inshallah I will try to do my best to provide a fun safe environment for my little students.Wishing you a good year.Ms. Claudette PS. Me, and my colleagues; Ms.Sharone and Mr Ahmad will be having an online meeting with the parents next Tuesday the 29th at 11.00am. We will let you know later which media we will use for this meeting.

Thank you

Ms Claudette

Maths Action Plan with KG 2

Today I was privileged to participate and follow a Mathematics Action Plan conducted so beautifully by Ms Claudette Abela in her KG 2 class. I was so delighted to interact with the childer who were able to explain to me what the lesson was about (counting). A big well done to Ms Claudette and thr students.

World Children’s Day

To celebrate World Children’s day, in Kg2C, first we had a story telling session using the book Handa’s Surprise.

Then I explained to the children in an age appropriate way about their basic rights such as right to have food, shelter, medicine, education, etc…

After we had a matching worksheet where the children had to match the animal with the fruit; as told in the story.

After that we made a fruit salad on a stick and to make it more fun, I provided the children with whipped cream to dip the fruits in it.#wcd2019.

Prize Day 2019

Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.

It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.

Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.

Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.

Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Juanita Sultana, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.

After this years 3, 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively. coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat coordinated at the backstage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.

During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.

Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.

Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.

The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.

The School administration would like to thank all educators, parents and students for the continued successes of Mariam Albatool School.

Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.

It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.

Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.

Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.

Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Souad Elgazzawi, Ms Juanita Sultana, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.

After this years 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.

During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.

Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.

Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.

The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.

New Library Books

The following books were added this week to our school library. These include some classic English stories and readers in the Maltese language too.

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!