More or Less Theatre performances at MABS

People from More or Less Theatre company visited our school and performed two shows for all the year groups. The first show was for the children in Years 1-3 and it was called “Il-Babaw”. Other children in Years 4-6 participated in a show which was all about Science.

The school administration would like to thank More or Less Theatre company for their performances which proved to be very professional and educational. Particular thanks go to Ms Jessica Muscat (Year 3 teacher) for her initiative. A big well done to all !

Below are photos taken during the event.

Maltese Sign Language Activity

This afternoon I had the opportunity to attend an interesting Sign Language activity organised by our year 2 and year 6 classes.

Ms Maria Galea, a sign language specialist was invited and gave an interactive introduction of the Maltese sign Language to the students. Our students participated actively and by the end of the session students were were able to construct simple sentences using the method presented by the speaker. The school administration would like to thank Ms Galea for her excellent delivery. Particular thanks go to Mr David Tedesco (Year 2 teacher) together with the assistance of Ms Ms Diana Salerno (year 6 teacher) and Ms Souad Elghazzawi (Arabic teacher).

Below are some photos taken during the activity.

Visit by the dentist !

On Thursday 24th January 2019, students from years 3,4,5 and 6 were invited for a short talk by a dentist from the Department of Health. The dentist spoke about the importance of taking care of our teeth. He also gave an interesting demonstration on how to brush teeth and keeping them healthy. During the talk the students had the opportunity to participate and ask questions on the topic. A big well done to all students, their teachers and LSEs and also the dentist !

E-twinning Projects- Ms Doris Schembri

Last year Ms Doris Schembri together with Year 5 students participated in two e-twinning projects with French partners “Knowing Vincent” about Vincent van Gogh and “Painting with Scissors – Henri Matisse”. The students were awarded both the National and European e-twinning quality labels for their projects. The school administration congratulates Ms Doris and Year 5 students for this outstanding achievement.