A great day today for our KG1. The teacher Ms Romina together with her LSE Ms Clare Suleiman invited a policewoman from the Malta Police Force to give a presentation in the classroom. . The police officer Ms Charlene Cilia gently accepted the invitation and gave an interesting, age and stage appropriate presentation about the work of the police and invited the children for a practical activity in the playground. It was a real pleasure for me to be invited to follow and support the activity. The school administration would like to thank all those involved in the organisation of the activity. Particular thanks go to Ms Romina and Ms Clare for the planning, execution and evaluation of the activity. VERY WELL DONE INDEED!
Important note re: Second Term
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you had a well-deserved break. Let’s hope for a better year ahead. As you may be already aware, school will resume online on Friday 7th January. School will re-open physically on Monday 10th January. All the respective teachers and LSEs have been informed and you will receive an invite on MS Teams for your child/ren to follow the lessons from home. All students are expected to follow these online lessons according to their time-table, and attendance will be taken. We look forward to welcoming your children back to school in a safe environment. Therefore, we remind you not to send your child/ren to school if he/she is sick. Also, it is important to send a medical certificate that states when your child is fit to attend school, in case he/she is sick, even after an absence of one day. No medical certificate is needed to start school following the winter break. Thank you for your cooperation, and kindly follow all Covid-19 procedures.
Best wishes to you and your families for the new year 2022.
Kind regards,
Mr Kenneth Busuttil
Head of School
Education at the Time of a Pandemic
30 blogs, primarily aimed at both parents and teachers are available for yoy to visit. These can be found at https://www.education-backtobasics.com by and on Facebook education-backtobasics@gmail.com.
Thank you.
The School Administration
Once again, Mariam Albatool School has been presented with the Silver Award in the Book Champions Schools Awards organised by the National Literacy Agency within the Ministry of Education and Employment. The event was a whole school effort encouraging children to inculcate the love for books and of reading. The school administration would like to thank all educators participating in the event. Particular thanks go to Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat for compiling and coordinating the project. A big well done to all!

Maths Action Plan in Kg1A
At Mariam Albatool we believe that Math games make learning more fun and engaging. When children play games, they can apply their math skills to new and unique scenarios while building logic and critical thinking skills. This is what I observerd today in Kg 1 Ms Amber. Very well done to this very dedicated teacher and her Learning Support Educator, Ms Clare Suleiman.

World Children’s Day
Assalamu Aleikum everyone!
In KG1A for World Children’s Day, we discussed the importance and the beauty that is Diversity. We discussed this with the aid of a book titled “Handa’s Surprise” by Eileene Browne. This book is basically about a young girl named Handa who lives in Kenya and would like to give a surprise to her friend Akeyo who lives in another village. The book shows us the different fruits Handa picks up for her friend as well as the different animals who pop up and each take a fruit along the way.
This book helped us understand the way different people from different cultures live which might be a bit different than us.
After the book was read, I explained to the children that each of us has different backgrounds. For example, some children come from Syria while others come from Libya. The thing that connects us together is that we all live in Malta. With the aid of visuals, the children got an idea on where their parents are from as well as where their peers are from.
For the main activity, together, we made a chart which portrays our differences in a positive light. Each child picked a colour they fancied and made their own hand-print which is also a representation of their uniqueness. Finally, each child was presented with a picture of their countries’ flag which they stuck underneath their hand-print. This showcased our beautiful diverse classroom and the children all felt a sense of pride and joy seeing the different colours and the different flags which represent their unique selves. #wcd2019


Prize Day 2019
Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.
It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.
Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.
Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.
Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Juanita Sultana, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.
After this years 3, 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively. coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat coordinated at the backstage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.
During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.
Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.
Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.
The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.
The School administration would like to thank all educators, parents and students for the continued successes of Mariam Albatool School.
Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.
It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.
Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.
Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.
Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Souad Elgazzawi, Ms Juanita Sultana, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.
After this years 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.
During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.
Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.
Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.
The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.
New Library Books
The following books were added this week to our school library. These include some classic English stories and readers in the Maltese language too.
Kindergarten Open Day
On Wednesday, 28th of November, the KG Team at Mariam Albatool opened its doors to welcome parents of Kindergarten students. Parents responded positively to this occasion as their presence, participation and positive feedback was highly noted and appreciated.
On that day, all of the Kindergarten students along with their parents met up at the school Hall for the activities. Mr.Kenneth Busuttil opened the day with a brief speech were he expressed his satisfaction towards the positive feedback gather by the school reviewers during the review process held a few weeks before.
He also mentioned that the safety of the students is a priority and that the school grounds project will be starting soon. Following Mr. Kenneth Busuttil’s speech, Ms.Doris Schembri, yr 3 teacher and Early years co-coordinator spoke about the Learning Outcomes and the importance of implementing the framework in our school. She also praised the importance of the project approach that the Kindergarten team are implementing within their planning.
Ms.Romina, KG2 Educator, opened the activity with warming up activities such as nursery rhyme linked to the current topic ‘Pets’. She proceeded by presenting a power point that Ms.Amber had prepared to help the children understand more about the different characteristics that pets possess. Ms.Romina mentioned the importance of taking good care of animals by providing them with proper food, drink and shelter. The importance of caring for them when they are unwell and giving them love and attention was also emphasized. This session was closed with a song linked to the theme.
Ms Claudette, KG 1 Educator, read the book titled; “Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell, to the children. She mentioned how a boy wanted a pet but the zoo kept sending him strange animals that he could not keep at home. At last, the zoo sent him the right pet! Children loved guessing what is hidden under each pop up box when a new animal was sent to the boy.
Ms.Claudette also got some pets for a ‘show and tell’ activity. The children’s attention was captivated by the snake and together with Ms.Amber’s assistance, the children touched the snake and took a closer look at it.
Lastly, Ms.Romina handed out a printed card which showcased different exotic as well as domesticated animals to all the students. Ms. Amber who prepared all the resources had two separate boxes set, one for pets and one for wild animals. The children were asked to put the flashcard of their animal in the appropriate box. This showed that the children understood what the book was about i.e. that some animals are to be free and wild while some others can be kept as pets.
While activities were taking place, Ms.Joanne Micallef displayed a selection of books, that parents could purchase. Parents were served some refreshments.
Meanwhile, the staff, parents and students had the opportunity to meet the Hon Minister of Education -Mr Evarist Bartolo and the Permanent Secretary for Education- Mr Francis Fabri. After the short break, twelve tuff trays were presented to the children, each containing unique messy materials were the children were left free to explore and have fun together with their parents. Everything ran smoothly and the children were at peace throughout the whole activity. This was a target that us educators were satisfied that we managed to reach since the sole purpose for this event was for the parents to spend time with their children in order to bond even more with them which would serve as a pleasant memory for all of them.
A big word of thanks goes to the parents who attended the activity, to the little students who are our pride and joy, to Mr.Kenneth, Mr.Brian and Ms.Doris who are aware of the positive impact that such open days have on the overall children’s development and well . Particular thanks goes to all KGE’s (Ms Romina, Ms Amber, and Ms Claudette), all LSEs (Ms Yvonne, Ms Megan and Ms Sharone) for their work and dedication. Also a work of thanks goes to Ms.Joanne for the book sale, to Ms.Jolene from Little scribblers for the messy play and to Mr.Alfred Scicluna for the refreshments.
Assalamu Aleikum dear parents!
Today in KG1A, we did a sensory activity for the little ones as an invitation for the topic “Autumn”. Different coloured materials were used to showcase the beautiful colours that are around us during Autumn.
Children got to use all their 5 senses through the feeling of different textures (rice, lentils), different sounds, different taste (cereal) etc.
They spent a good hour happily playing whilst also learning some attributes each vegetable had.
Since we received such great feedback from the little ones, we will be focusing on Autumn for the upcoming few weeks to cater to the children’s interests Inshallah.