Training session conducted by Mr Gaetano Bugeja (Director – Curriculum)
During the session Mr Bugeja gave a captivating account of the necessity to continue cultivating a drive for Formative Assessment. He cited numerous examples as to how a culture of continuous assessment is in fact a reality reflected in the place of work. He clearly explained that what is sowed during the formative years in the kinder and primary sectors is reflected in secondary school, in higher educational institutions and later on at work placements.
He praised teachers at Mariam Albatool School for being at the very forefront to embrace changes in the educational sector.
It was real pleasure having Mr Bugeja supporting the initiatives of the school.
A big THANK YOU goes to the Educators present during the meeting and who participated very actively and whose queries were answered by the speaker.
The School Administration and Staff would like to THANK Mr Bugeja for his constant and relentless support to our school. A BIG WELL Done to all