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KG2R-Archive – Page 2 – Mariam AlBatool School

Visit by Police Officers

In my class we use the ‘Project approach’ where the teacher observes the students and their play and then designs and plans activities that interest the students. During the last few weeks the children started to play pretend that they are police officers and thieves so I though of inviting a police officer to come and surprise the students in KG2R.
Today on the 1st of April  children were playing police and thieves or as they like to say ‘police and bad guys’. All dressed up with hats and masks they were surprised  by W PC25 Ms.Charleen Cilia who came in our KG2R class.
The children loved the idea of Ms.Cilia visiting us in class and listened attentively to what she had to say. The children shared with her what they already knew about the role of the police officer. She interacted affably with the children who were hooked listening to what she had to say.

Ms.Cilia mentioned the importance of safety and how as a police officer she has to ensure the well being of every citizen especially children who are very much at her heart. She explained that police officers are to see that everyone obeys the rules and that she wants the little students to help her out. She provided a badge to every student who promised her that they will be little police helpers. One of their first role to help out their job is to remember to sit at the back of the car with the seat belts on. Another small job for the little helpers is to remind their parents to never answer their mobile phones when driving. She showed the students a very simple way to remember the 112 and why and when to use it.

The police officer explained through real life examples what is stranger danger. She also showed the students videos showing different roles of her job. She played a youtube song and also some more videos. 

Ms.Cilia also called a police sergeant who came in the school yard with a police motorbike and all the students had the opportunity to have a ride and listen to the serine. Ms.Cilia explained that police officers are friends to children and that if there is anything upsetting them they are to trust the police as they will always believe them.  Ms.Cilia lleft some educational tokens which will be distributed to the children. 

Ms.Cilia mentioned several times how well behaved the students were and that she will revisit us if the nature of the work permits it. 
The school administration and myself would like to thank the police members who visited us this morning. We are sure that it was an experience never to be forgotten.

Kindergarten Open Day

On Wednesday, 28th of November, the KG Team at Mariam Albatool opened its doors to welcome parents of Kindergarten students. Parents responded positively to this occasion as their presence, participation and positive feedback was highly noted and appreciated.

On that day, all of the Kindergarten students along with their parents met up at the school Hall for the activities. Mr.Kenneth Busuttil opened the day with a brief speech were he  expressed his satisfaction towards the positive feedback gather by the school reviewers during the review process held a few weeks before.

He also mentioned that the safety of the students is a priority and that the school grounds project will be starting soon. Following Mr. Kenneth Busuttil’s speech, Ms.Doris Schembri, yr 3 teacher and Early years co-coordinator spoke about the Learning Outcomes and the importance of implementing the framework in our school. She also praised the importance of the project approach that the Kindergarten team are implementing within their planning.

Ms.Romina, KG2 Educator, opened the activity with warming up activities such as nursery rhyme linked to the current topic ‘Pets’.  She proceeded by presenting a power point that Ms.Amber had prepared to help the children understand more about the different characteristics that pets possess. Ms.Romina mentioned the importance of taking good care of animals by providing them with proper food, drink and shelter. The importance of caring for them when they are unwell and giving them love and attention was also emphasized. This session was closed with a song linked to the theme.

Ms Claudette, KG 1 Educator, read the book titled; “Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell, to the children. She mentioned how a boy wanted a pet but the zoo kept sending him strange animals that he could not keep at home. At last, the zoo sent him the right pet! Children loved guessing what is hidden under each pop up box when a new animal was sent to the boy.

Ms.Claudette also got some pets for a ‘show and tell’ activity. The children’s attention was captivated by the snake and together with Ms.Amber’s assistance, the children touched the snake and took a closer look at it.

Lastly, Ms.Romina handed out a printed card which showcased different exotic as well as domesticated animals to all the students. Ms. Amber who prepared all the resources had two separate boxes set, one for pets and one for wild animals. The children were asked to put the flashcard of their animal in the appropriate box.  This showed that the children understood what the book was about i.e. that some animals are to be free and wild while some others can be kept as pets.

While activities were taking place, Ms.Joanne Micallef displayed a selection of books, that parents could purchase. Parents were served some refreshments.

Meanwhile, the staff, parents and students had the opportunity to meet  the Hon Minister of Education -Mr Evarist Bartolo  and the Permanent Secretary for Education- Mr Francis Fabri.  After the short break, twelve tuff trays were presented to the children, each containing unique messy materials were the children were left free to explore and have fun together with their parents. Everything ran smoothly and the children were at peace throughout the whole activity. This was a target that us educators were satisfied that we managed to reach since the sole purpose for this event was for the parents to spend time with their children in order to bond even more with them which would serve as a pleasant memory for all of them.

A big word of  thanks goes to the parents who attended the activity, to the little students who are our pride and joy, to Mr.Kenneth, Mr.Brian and Ms.Doris who are aware of the positive impact that such open days have on the overall children’s development  and well . Particular thanks goes to all KGE’s (Ms Romina, Ms Amber, and Ms Claudette),  all LSEs (Ms Yvonne, Ms Megan and Ms Sharone) for their work and dedication. Also a work of thanks goes to Ms.Joanne for the book sale, to Ms.Jolene from Little scribblers for the messy play and to Mr.Alfred Scicluna for the refreshments.


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Look at what the KG2 students at Mariam Albatool School are up to! They’ve discovered that they have ten super-powers and they’re on a mission to design a life they love and make the world a happier place.Special thanks to the wonderful KGE Romina Bugeja

Teachers – we have resources, competitions and special promotions we’d love to share with you. Drop us a line at  helloauntysab@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to tell you more.

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Introduction Ms Romina

Assalamo Alaykum and Welcome to Kindergarten 2R.

Kindergarten is one of the first steps towards a child’s educational journey. Research shows that in the first few years of our life we absorb a lot of information.  In my classroom I spend time observing each student entrusted in my care. I interact with each child so as to make sure I get to know each child individually. Only after getting familiar with my students abilities, likes and dislikes I am able to plan activities that are according to their interest and abilities. In my class we use  ‘The project approach’. The Project Approach refers to a set of teaching strategies which enable teachers to guide children through in-depth studies of real world topics. Topics are chosen according to the interest of the students.

Parents can follow their child learning journey through the class page where photos and videos of the activities are posted.

Thank you for your time.

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Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!