Yesterday, two representatives from the Reading Literacy Agency visited our Year 5 class to donate some books. These were donated after a poetry book published by the year 5s was reviewed by the CEO of the Literacy Agency Mr David Muscat who was so pleased that he awarded the class with 26 reading books.
These books are now in the classroom library for the students to borrow. The school administration would like to thank Ms Nicole Muscat for her initiative. A word of thanks also goes to Ms Etienne Cini for the support he gives to the class.
May we remind you that should anyone wish to purchase this book it is available for the cost of €2.50. It is important to support our students and embrace reading.
Following closely a Whole School Action Plan for Mathematics in our year 5 class. Thank you Ms Nicole Muscat (teacher) and Mr Etiennne Cini (LSE) for your sterling cooperation.
As part of an plan targeting enhancement in Maltese Reading Comprehension, the school’s SMT is directly supporting teachers towards effective implementation of a Whole School Action Plan agreed by all teachers. Photos show a practical session given by Ms Nicole Muscat (Yr 5). A special thank you also goes to Mr Etienne Cini for his constant efforts to provide support for all students.
The European Sports Day was successfully organised at Mariam Albatool School with participation of all classes for 90 minutes. Participants ranged from the first grade of primary classes to the sixth grade. All students took turns in the playing stations under the supervision of the PE teacher together with all the teachers.#MaltaESSD19 #BeActive
A science activity organized in the hall today by the year 5.1 students under the supervision of Ms Samah. There was a song about the planets in our Solar System which was followed by a quiz.
Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.
It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.
Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.
Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.
Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Juanita Sultana, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.
After this years 3, 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively. coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Doris Schembri and Ms Jessica Muscat coordinated at the backstage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.
During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.
Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.
Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.
The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.
The School administration would like to thank all educators, parents and students for the continued successes of Mariam Albatool School.
Wednesday 12th June marked the 21st Prize day at Mariam Albatool School. For the past weeks educators, together with students worked exceptionally hard for to be able to produce a fantastic performance on the evening.
It started with all students singing the school’s anthem under the direction of Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz.
Then Kindergarten classes proceeded to perform their prepared items. A word of thanks goes to Ms Amber Micallef, Ms Yvonne Busuttil, Ms Sharone Micallef , Ms Claudette Hidayyatullah, Ms Romina Spiteri, Ms Myriam Darmanin and Mr Ahmed Alalo.
Then, Mr Kenneth Busuttil (HoS) delivered his speech where he praised all educators for their continuous efforts during the whole scholastic year. He made particular reference to the excellent work done by the assistant head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and by Ms Deborah Atanasiso (SMT Member). He also mentioned the excellent report the school received this year by the QAD department within the Ministry of Education and Employment.
Then, it was the turn of years 1s year 2s and year 3 students to have their performance. Particular word of thanks go to Ms Souad Elgazzawi, Ms Juanita Sultana, Mr David Tedesco, Ms Clare Suleiman, Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri.
After this years 4, 5 and 6 performed The Lion King. This was coordinated by Ms Stephania Farrugia Frantz who authored all musical arrangements, Ms Daniela Spiteri who designed the choreography, Ms Diana Salerno who wrote the Maltese lyrics and Ms Asmaa Saleh who coordinated the Arabic songs. Ms Debbie Atanasio, Ms Souad Elghazzawi, Mr Kamal Leghbali, Mr Wessim Amhamed, Ms Christine Refalo and Ms AnnMarie Azzopardi effectively coordinated the children as they performed on stage. Ms Samah Shurrab set up the backdrop of the stage together Ms Simone Palmier Arab and Ms Joanne Micallef. The play was the culmination of the whole evening.
During the intermission, Magreb prayers were performed.
Then the evening proceeded by a speech delivered by Mr Muammed ElSaadi, who thanked all those who contributed for the continued success of the school. He particularly thanked the school administration, all educators, Mr Alfred Scicluna and the ancillary staff of school Ms Samira nd Ms Nuzha. After the speech, the evening proceeded by the award giving ceremony where all students were presented with certificates. Special awards were given to students who distinguished themselves.
Next a special award was given to Ms Simone Palmier Arab (executive secretary) and Ms Joanne Micallef (administrative secretary) for their continuous efforts toward the welfare of the school and its students. Then a bouquet of flowers was presented to Ms Maria Camilleri, ex Head and cofounder of the school.
The ceremony was attended by the Board of Trustees of the School and the Oversight Committee from Ministry of Education and Employment.
People from More or Less Theatre company visited our school and performed two shows for all the year groups. The first show was for the children in Years 1-3 and it was called “Il-Babaw”. Other children in Years 4-6 participated in a show which was all about Science.
The school administration would like to thank More or Less Theatre company for their performances which proved to be very professional and educational. Particular thanks go to Ms Jessica Muscat (Year 3 teacher) for her initiative. A big well done to all !
Below are photos taken during the event.
On Thursday 28th March Year 5 students from Mariam Albatool School participated in the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science) test. They were awarded a certificate of participation for their effort. A big well done for our great year 5 students !
Below are photos taken during presentation of certificates.
On Friday 29th March, the Student Council attended the launch of the report compiled by the Children’s Hub of the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. The initiative is called ‘You matter no matter what’ and has given voice to many children around the Maltese islands.
Mariam Albatool School was awarded with a certificate of participation by Her Excellency The President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca and the Director General of the Foundation Dr Ruth Farrugia.
Our school is proud to have taken part in this initiative!
THANK YOU to all students and to Ms Debbie Atanasio for this excellent initiative.