Invitation from Birgu Primary School

Nixtieq nirringrazzja lill-kap tal-iskola Primarja tal-Birgu, tal-istedina taghha biex nattendu u nsegwu l-programm li ppreparaw. Inizjattivi bhal dawn jghinu biex inwaqqghu l-hitan u nibnu l-pontijiet. Bhala edukaturi u kollegi, it-tnejn li ahna nemmnu fil-valuri tat-tolleranza u r-rispett reciproku u kien proprju ghalhekk li ghamilna stqarrija kongjunta fuq dan is-suggett. Grazzi.

Kenneth Busuttil

Kap tal-iskola

Mariam Albatool School

Safety at Home

Both Year 3 classes had a Maltese reading book about firefighters and safety. They really liked the book and we, educators thought about organizing an outing to the fire station in Paola in which the pupils could see what the work of a firefighter actually involves. Everyone enjoyed the outing and the firefighters themselves asked us to visit our school for a follow-up activity in which they themselves talked about safety at home. It was a very fruitful experience for the pupils.

The school administration would like to thank Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri for their dedication towards the holistic development of all pupils under their care. THANK YOU !

Visit by the dentist !

On Thursday 24th January 2019, students from years 3,4,5 and 6 were invited for a short talk by a dentist from the Department of Health. The dentist spoke about the importance of taking care of our teeth. He also gave an interesting demonstration on how to brush teeth and keeping them healthy. During the talk the students had the opportunity to participate and ask questions on the topic. A big well done to all students, their teachers and LSEs and also the dentist !

E-twinning Projects- Ms Doris Schembri

Last year Ms Doris Schembri together with Year 5 students participated in two e-twinning projects with French partners “Knowing Vincent” about Vincent van Gogh and “Painting with Scissors – Henri Matisse”. The students were awarded both the National and European e-twinning quality labels for their projects. The school administration congratulates Ms Doris and Year 5 students for this outstanding achievement.