ALS Foundation Malta Founder visits Mariam Albatool School

ALS, or amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, people may lose the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe. The motor nerves that are affected when you have ALS are the motor neurons that provide voluntary movements and muscle control. Examples of voluntary movements are making the effort to reach for a smart phone or step off a curb. These actions are controlled by the muscles in the arms and legs

On Tuesday 14th March 2017, ALS Malta Founder Mr Bjorn Formosa, himself an ALS sufferer visited Mriam Abatool school to raise awareness of the condition and to raise funds for a special hme to aid ALS sufferers.

During his visit Mr Formosa spoke about the need to have courage in difficult moments and to garner support whenever this is needed. These statements were embraced and supported by Mr Muhamed Elsadi (Imam) and Mr Kenneth Busuttil (Head of School) who also thanked Mr Formosa for sharing his experiences with staff and students.
Before the activity a number of initiatives were taken to collect funds which would aid ALS sufferers have a more dignified life and supportive amenities which are an absolute necessity for ALS sufferers. The total amount of money raised by Mariam Albatool students and staff was 2000 euros. A big thank you to all school staff, parents and students.

The school administration would like to thank Mr Bjorn Formosa and his wife for their cordial visit.

Particular thanks go to Ms Romina Bugeja (Year 1 Teacher ) who was the organizer of the event. Below are photos commemorating the occasion.

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