Maths Action Plan in Kg1A

At Mariam Albatool we believe that Math games make learning more fun and engaging. When children play games, they can apply their math skills to new and unique scenarios while building logic and critical thinking skills. This is what I observerd today in Kg 1 Ms Amber. Very well done to this very dedicated teacher and her Learning Support Educator, Ms Clare Suleiman.

Visit by Mr Stephen Cachia (Director General) and Ms Jane Farrugia Buhagia (EO Migrant Learning)

Today, our school was visited by Mr Stephen Cachia (Director General) and Ms Jane Farrugia Buhagiar (EO Migrant Learning). The Head of School, Mr Kenneth Busuttil welcomed the visitors in his office and together with the SMT discussed a number of important issues concerning the school and its future development.

Later, the visitors were toured around the classrooms where they heaped praise at the high level of organisation and conducive learning environment of the school. They also praised the efforts of teachers and learning suppoort educators and urged them to keep up the excellent job.

Later they visited our migrant class and commented positively on the effective incluision of migrant learners. Mr Cachia and Ms Farrugia Buhagiar thanked the school administration for their sustained efforts towards high quality teaching and learning. They also iterated their support and commitment towards future collaboration.

The school administration would like to thank Mr Cachia and Ms Farrugia Buhagiar for their visit and for pledging extended support and copperation.

Action Plan for Maltese Reading Comprehension

As part of an plan targeting enhancement in Maltese Reading Comprehension, the school’s SMT is directly supporting teachers towards effective implementation of a Whole School Action Plan agreed by all teachers. Photos show a practical session given by Ms Nicole Muscat (Yr 5). A special thank you also goes to Mr Etienne Cini for his constant efforts to provide support for all students.

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