The aim of this activity is for the children to foster a sense of belonging; decorating our classroom door, thus creating a relaxed environment where learning is fun.

The aim of this activity is for the children to foster a sense of belonging; decorating our classroom door, thus creating a relaxed environment where learning is fun.
Mariam Albatool School
Triq Dom Mintoff Paola
Date 22nd October 2020
This report presents an assessment of the risks posed related to COVID 19 within Mariam Albatool School in Paola.
This report is compiled in good faith and is based on the information provided by Mr Kenneth Busuttil, headmaster of the Mariam Albatool School.
The information was obtained verbally, and through observation. The assessor disassociates himself from any known or concealed dangers, which were not forwarded to his attention during the risk assessment.
Please note that the health department advice is changing daily. While this risk assessment is relevant today, tomorrow it may need updating.
Therefore, this document will be updated in the light of any guidance changes and re-circulated to staff.
1.2 The Premises
The premises of Mariam Albatool School, Paola consists of classrooms on three different levels, administrative offices and outdoor playing areas.
Ref | Tasks, Issue | Persons at Risk | School Safety Measures |
1 | Hygiene practice | Staff, pupils & visitors, | Infection control procedures are adhered to as much as possible in accordance with the guidelines of the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health. Posters are displayed throughout the school reminding pupils, staff, and visitors to wash their hands, e.g. before entering and leaving the school. Permitted visitors must wash their hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitiser (that contains no less than 60 percent alcohol) and follow infection control procedures in accordance with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health at regular intervals, including when they enter and exit the building. Sufficient amounts of soap, clean water, paper towels and sanitizer are supplied in all toilets & classrooms. Pupils are supervised by staff when washing their hands to ensure it is done correctly, where necessary. (This will be demonstrated daily along with hygiene expectations by the class teacher) Pupils to use hand sanitiser, under the supervision of a member of staff. Children to only have access to their personal hand sanitisers or from a dispenser. Pupils are discouraged from sharing cutlery, cups, food, stationary items, equipment. Children are to be supplied with their own stationary items. Cleaners are employed to carry out daily, thorough cleaning that is compliant with the local COVID 19 cleaning and sanitizing guidelines. Additional cleaning will take place throughout the day of all touch points including door handles, tables, toilets etc |
All classes have cleaning kits to clean tables, touch points etc. throughout the day. Cleaners advised to regularly clean all shared areas such as toilets & staff room. | |||
2 | Ill health | Staff, visitors, pupils & parents | Staff are informed of the symptoms of possible coronavirus infection, e.g. a cough, difficulty in breathing, high temperature, loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell and are kept up-to-date with national guidance about the signs, symptoms and transmission of coronavirus. Children who feel unwell whist in school will have their temperature taken immediately using a non-contact thermometer Any pupil or member of staff who displays signs of being unwell,–19/Pages/symptoms.aspx have a cough, fever, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia), or difficulty in breathing, and believes they have been exposed to coronavirus seeks immediate medical advice. . If a pupil displays symptoms whilst in school. The parents of unwell pupils are to be informed as soon as possible of the situation by a relevant member of staff. Unwell pupils who are waiting to go home are kept in the designated isolation room where they can be isolated behind a closed door, and with appropriate adult supervision. Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. PPE should be worn by staff caring for the child while they await collection if a distance of 2 metres cannot be maintained (such as for a very young child or a child with special needs). Areas used by unwell staff and pupils who need to go home will be appropriately cleaned once vacated. See |
the COVID–19: cleaning of non–healthcare settings guidance. Any pupils who display signs of infection are taken home immediately, or as soon as practicable, by their parents – the parents are advised to contact 111 immediately or call 112 if the pupil becomes seriously ill or their life is at risk. Any members of staff who display signs of infection are sent home immediately and are advised to contact 111 immediately or call 112 if they become seriously ill or their life is at risk. | |||
3 | Confirmed Case of COVID- 19 | Staff, visitors, pupils & parents | If a staff member or pupil tests positive, they should advise the school immediately and follow the ’ As soon as school becomes are aware of a confirmed case of Covid-19 it must contact the 111 Helpline for further advice. A system is in in place to carry out rapid risk assessment to confirm who has been in close contact with the person during the period that they were infectious (48 hours before displaying symptoms, and ensure they are asked to self-isolate. Based on the advice from the Health Department, schools must send home those people who have been in close contact with the person who has tested positive, advising them to self-isolate for 14 days since they were last in close contact with that person when they were infectious. Close contact means: direct close contacts – face to face contact with an infected individual for any length of time, within 1 metre, including being coughed on, a face to face conversation, or unprotected physical contact (skin-to-skin) proximity contacts – extended close contact (within 1 to 2 metres for more than 15 minutes) with an infected individual travelling in a small vehicle, such as a car, with an infected person The Health Department will provide definitive advice on further actions to be taken in the event of an outbreak. |
4 | Spread of infection | Staff, pupils, & visitors, | Parents are informed not to bring their children to school or on the school premises if they show signs of being unwell and believe they have been exposed to coronavirus Spillages of bodily fluids, e.g. respiratory and nasal discharges, are cleaned up immediately in line with the bodily spillage procedure, using PPE at all times. Younger children and those with special needs are helped with their respiratory hygiene and staff may need to wear PPE. Parents are informed not to bring their children to school or on the school premises if they show signs of being unwell and believe they have been exposed to coronavirus. Parents/staff to inform school immediately if they test positive for COVID– 19. Staff and pupils not to return to school before the minimum recommended exclusion period (or the ‘self-isolation’ period). Parents to be encouraged to take their child for a test if they have symptoms. Parents/staff to notify the school if their child and/or they have an impaired immune system or a medical condition that means they are vulnerable to infections. Pupils are required to come to school in uniform and parents are asked to ensure this is regularly washed. Pupils to only bring water bottles, bags with essential items and lunchboxes into school. No unnecessary items. All food items are to be carried and presented in disposable containers wherever possible, and if not, then containers are to be cleaned and wiped down before by the student. |
5 | Management of infectious diseases | Staff, pupils & parents | Everyone is instructed to monitor themselves and others and look out for symptoms if a pupil or staff member has been sent home with suspected coronavirus. Staff to be vigilant and report concerns about their own, a colleague’s or a pupil’s symptoms to management The school is consistent in its approach to the management of suspected and confirmed cases of coronavirus. The Headteacher to be informed by pupils’ parents immediately once a pupil has tested positive for coronavirus. The school management to regularly check cleaning standards of school cleaning personnel and discusses any additional measures required with regards to managing the spread of coronavirus. |
6 | Communication | Staff, pupils & parents | School to keep staff, pupils and parents adequately updated about any changes in relation to guidance/procedures around coronavirus |
7 | Emergencies | Staff, pupils & parents | Staff to ensure emergency contact details are up to date, including alternate emergency contact details, where required. Pupils’ parents to be contacted as soon as practicable in the event of an emergency. Office staff to ensure all pupils on site have at least 2 contact numbers. The school has an up-to-date First Aid Policy in place which outlines the management of medical emergencies – medical emergencies are managed in line with this policy. Gloves, aprons and masks should be worn when dealing with a medical emergency where 2M’s distance cannot be observed. |
8 | Managing Entrance and Exits | Staff, pupils & parents | Small groups of students arrive and depart from school at different times. Temperature reading is recorded upon arrival and prior to departure from school. Upon arrival students to head directly to their allocated classroom. Staff encouraged to leave site as early as possible for thorough cleaning to take place. Staff asked to maintain 1.5M + distance when arriving and leaving the building and whilst in the building. Staff asked to maintain 1.5M + distance when receiving and dismissing pupils. Cones/floor markings will be used to support parents and staff for distancing upon handovers. Parental queries will be dealt with over the phone or via email where possible. Not at the beginning and end of the school day. |
9 | Class sizes and layout | Staff & pupils | Allocation of classes are calculated as per COVID 19 guildelines with adequate distances between each desk. Children to use the same table each day where possible. A one-way system to be introduced in all classrooms and in corridors where possible. Children to use the same classroom or area each day, with a thorough cleaning of the rooms at the end of the day. Tables, touch points to be cleaned regularly throughout the day. |
10 | Physical Distancing | Staff & pupils | Pupils reminded to stay 1.5m + apart where possible. Signage displayed on playground and around school. Markers/tape to be used where needed. Staff are to maintain a distance of at least 2m between themselves and with students Children to only mix in same class/year groups, Children and staff to stay away from other people and groups where possible. Children are in the same groups at all times each day, and different groups are not mixed during the day. The same teachers are assigned to each group and, as far as possible, these stay the same class during the day and on subsequent days where possible. Designated areas and playgrounds to be used during breaks. To ensure limiting the number of children who use the toilet facilities. Only one student from each class to access the toilet facilities at any one time. Toilets to be cleaned after each use. Contact sports to be avoided. Staff members in staff rooms to keep an adequate physical distance of two metres from each other. It must be ensured that in staff rooms, adequate care is taken to avoid mixing of staff members and where desks are used for corrections. Each staff member to be responsible to clean the surfaces and shared electronics with suitable agents before and after use. |
Meetings should be held virtually wherever possible Contact with office-based staff where possible to be via emails/phone calls. If this is not appropriate arrange a specific time to meet so physical distancing can be ensured. | |||
11 | Sharing of Resources | Staff & pupils | Classrooms have access to their own resources. Children to be provided with their own stationary. Children will be given daily reminders to only use their own stationary and not to share with other children. Sports equipment to be thoroughly cleaned between each use. Sports equipment which cannot be cleaned/disinfected should not be used. Other shared equipment such as IT equipment to be cleaned thoroughly between each use. |
12 | Shared spaces | Staff & pupils | Classrooms not to be shared between year groups. Assemblies not to take place, pupils to head directly in classrooms. Considerations must be made for all staff members in staff rooms to keep an adequate physical distance of two metres from other staff members. It must be ensured that in staff rooms, adequate care is taken to avoid mixing of staff members and where desks are used for corrections, persons always maintain the requisite social distance. |
Each person should be responsible to clean the surfaces and shared electronics with suitable agents before and after use. Meetings should be held virtually wherever possible. | |||
13 | Visitors | Staff & pupils | There will be no unnecessary visitors allowed access into the building. Essential Service visits where possible to be conducted at the early hours before opening of school or end of the school day. Meeting with other professional will take place virtually where possible. If meetings are unable to take place virtually, visitors must wash their hands with soap or alcohol-based sanitiser () and follow infection control procedures. Contact details will need to be provided by all visitors in order to comply with track and trace. Supply staff, peripatetic staff, Speech and Language specialists, etc able to visit school and work with different groups of children. All visiting staff reminded to remain 2M + from other staff and children where possible. Staff not permitted to visit other workplaces for meetings/conferences. |
14 | Physical Environment/Ventila tion | Staff & pupils | Ventilate all spaces using natural ventilation where possible. Open windows, prop open doors where possible. Ensure an adequate supply of fresh air in all areas. Consider if you can improve the circulation of outside air and prevent pockets of stagnant air in occupied spaces. You can do this by using fans or opening windows.–andmachinery/air–conditioning–and–ventilation.htm Increase the frequency of emptying bins. Bins to be emptied in the morning, at lunchtime and at the end of the day. Bins to have bin liners in them for ease of emptying. Gloves to be worn when emptying bins. Hands to be washed after emptying. . Caretaker/s to clean frequently touched areas, including all door handles. Additional cleaning schedules included . All toilets will be regularly cleaned along with shared areas and staffroom. No hand driers to be used in the school building. |
15 | Face Masks | Staff & pupils | Staff members to wear a face mask and/or visor at all times when in the presence of others (both other staff/ students). Pupils to wear a mask in all areas outside of the classroom. Pupils will be required to bring a sealable plastic bag to put it in when not wearing it. Information on wearing masks can be found by following the links below.–promotion/covid–19/Documents/mitigation–conditions–andguidances/Standards_Use_of_Face_Masks_And_Visors.pdf |–coronavirus–2019/advice–for–public/when–and–how–to–usemasks All parents/carers are required to wear a face mask when entering the school site. This includes when dropping off and picking up children. | |||
16 | Off Site Activities | Staff & pupils | No offsite activity will take place on advice from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Health. |
I the undersigned hereby acknowledge that I have read, understood and agree to comply with the contents of the Risk Assessment and relevant guidelines issued by the Sup. Of Public Health.
Name & Surname Position ID No. Signature
Name & Surname ID. No Carried out for Date Signature
John Azzopardi 221968(M) Mariam Albatool School, Paola 22/10/20
Message from Head of School. Please click below. Thank you.
Bhalissa ghaddej il-process tal-iffumigar f’xi klassijiet. Naghtu prijorita’ lis-sahha u s-sigurta’ tat-tfal u l-istaff taghna.
Gheziez Genituri,
Din in-nota hija biex ninfurmakom li l-klassijiet tal-Kindergarten u l-Year 1 mhux ser jidhlu skola din il-gimgha (mit-Tnejn, 5, sal-Gimgha, 9 ta’ Ottubru), minhabba li wahda mill-edukaturi taghna harget pozittiva ghall-Covid-19. Il-kumplament tal-klassijiet, mit-Tieni Sena sas-Sitt Sena, s’issa ser jifthu normali fl-iskola.Se nkunu qed inzommukom aggornati f’kaz li jkollna xi tibdil.
Grazzi u tislijiet,
Mr Kenneth Busuttil
Kap tal-iskola
Dear Parents,
This note is to inform parents of Kindergarten classes and Year 1, that the children are not going to attend school for this week (Monday 5th October to Friday 9th October), because one of our educators has tested positive for Covid-19. With regards to the rest of the classes, Year 2 to Year 6, school resumes as normal. We are going to keep you updated, in case of any changes.
Kind regards,
Mr Kenneth Busuttil
Head of School
NOTE TO OUR DEAR PARENTS:We would like to inform you that due to ongoing discussions ALL students will be attending a FULL WEEK next week (from Monday 5th till Friday 9th October). this until further notice.THANK YOU