Inpinġi bl-Imqass ma’ Henri Matisse by Doris Schembri featured on Television Malta a couple of days ago. The book is published in collaboration with the National Literacy Agency. Fun fact: This book is the product of a school, as the author, illustrator, publisher and pagesetter are all from Mariam Albatool School! Inpinġi bl-Imqass ma’ Henri Matisse ta’ Doris Schembri deher fuq TVM jumejn ilu. Il-ktieb ġie ppubblikat b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu. Fatt interessanti: Dan il-ktieb sar bħala skola għax l-awtriċi, l-illustrattriċi, il-publikattriċi u d-disinjatur huma kollha minn Mariam Albatool School!