Baking Bread Activity

On Friday, 29th of January two KG 1 teachers, Ms Amber Micallef and Ms Romina Bugeja organized a Baking Bread Activity.

To suppliment the activity a professional baker was invited in class and spent the day with the children. The baker helped children understand the process of baking bread which links up with the book “The Little Red Hen” which the class is currently reading. Each child had the opportunity to roll their own dough of bread, bake it and afterwards eat it. The children loved this activity and were very excited to meet a real baker who was dressed in uniform throughout the whole day.

The school administration would like to thank Ms Romina and Ms Amber for their professional approach in dealing with the topic.

Well done!

Below are photos of the event.

St. Martin’s College visit

On Wednesday 20th January 2016, staff from the senior administration team of St Martin’s College visited Mariam Albatool School in order to deliver an interesting and informative presentation about the facilities offered to sixth form students.

The team consisted of Mr Anthony Abela (Senior Leader- Sixth Form), Ms Eleanor Abela (Career Advisor) and Ms Rita Samut Administrative Coordinator. They were greeted by the assistant head of school (Mr Brian Vassallo) who ushered the guests to the Year 11 class. The speakers delivered a powerpoint presentation in a friendly and professional manner.

Afterwards Mr Abela, explained the admission requirements of the college and gave examples of the flexibility offered at the college. Then Ms Eleanor Abela gave various insights into various career paths which students can follow upon successful completion of courses. Later Ms Samut gave an overview of the extra curricular activities offered at the college. The students were then given opportunity to ask a number of questions to the presenters.

Below are photos commemorating the occasion.

Students at ITS

On Thursday 14th January 2016, Year 11 students from Mariam Albatool visited the Institute of Tourism studies in St Julian’s.

The students were accompanied by Ms Lina Ghirxi, the Maltese Language teacher. The students had an overview of the courses offered by the institute. After the presentation, the students had the opportunity to visit the institutes facilities and ask questions on the various career opportunities which are available to students. The students also had the opportunity to have some hands on experience on the kind of work performed by students at the institute.

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Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!