PULSE visit to our school

On Monday 1st February 2016, three representatives from pulse paid a cordial visit to Mariam Albatool School.

Sabrina Abugrin, Bashir Wakiel (two of the school’s past students) and Gabriel Mifsud (General secretary- Kunsill Studenti MCAST) spoke about their experiences of student activism at MCAST and Junior College.

Pulse was established on March 19th, 1997 and is an active student organization that functions on behalf of students. As an organization, Pulse does its utmost to enhance and defend students’ rights, represent students and offer them adequate services.

Sabrina Abugrin spoke about how Pulse helped her throughout the Summer period by giving her the necessary support in virtue of her admission to Junior College. She also related how Pulse was able to extend its support to all students and the community at large. She also cited one particular circumstance when the group took an active stand in favour of the Muslim community about the lack of space during Friday prayers.

Mr Wakiel and Mr Mifsud gave an account of the activities which are currently being planned by KSM to further help the students. They finally expressed their gratitude towards the administration of Mariam Albatool School for the opportunity given to them to promote Pulse activities. They ended up their presentation by wishing all students success in forthcoming examinations.The school administration congratulated the students and urged them to pursue such activities and to further develop their roles in future.

Below are photos taken during the activity.

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