Turkish Ambassador visits Mariam Albatool School

On Monday 16th April 2018 Her Excellency Basak Turkoglu (Turkish ambassador for Malta) paid a cordial visit to Mariam Albatool School. She was greeted by the Imam of the Muslim Community Mr Muhammad ElSaadi who introduced her to members of the board of trustees Dr Muhammed Kablan and Mr Abdulresaq Zmirli. Her visit consisted in visiting the Mosque where she recited her private prayers. Then she was accompanied around the classes of the school by the Head of School (Mr Kenneth Busuttil), the Assistant Head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and Ms Deborah Atanasio.  She commented very positively at the learning environment of the school and at the high level of motivation exhibited by the students. Her Excellency also took the opportunity to converse with the teachers and also shared some of her experiences when she was a student at school.

After being escorted around the school, Her Excellency was cordially invited for a meeting where a number of issued were raised, amongst which were the sustainability of the school and the tapping of funds through foreign organizations. Her Excellency praised the achievements of the school and lauded its strategic importance in the Maltese Islands. She heartily thanked the school board of trustees, the administration, the teachers and the pupils for the warm welcome. She promised heightened cooperation and assistance to support the school and its projects and also suggested ways in which the Turkish embassy can be of assistance.

The School Board of Trustees and the School Administration would like to thank Her Excellency Basak Turkoglu for her visit and expressed their heartfelt desire for enhanced collaboration.

Below are photos commemorating the occasion.

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