Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il-Malti

Inkomplu bi Pjan ta’ Azzjoni effettiv favur il-Lingwa Maltija.
L-Istorja ta’ Biskuttinu.
Fil-klassi ta Ms Romina it tfal semghu u komplew istorja, kienu kapaci jaghmlu l-istorja f’ sekwenza bl uzu ta’ stampi segwiti minn movimenti fizici, u wara ghamlu biskuttinu billi wahhlu l ghajnejn u l buttuni. L- Amministrazjoni tixtieq tirringrazja lil Ms Romina, Ms Yvonne u Ms Ingrid tad-dedikazzjoni kbira taghhom favur it-tfal.

e-Twinning participation

For their participation in the eTwinning competition.
To recreate the #eTwinning logo from recycled materials, students and educators from year 3 (Ms Doris) and the migrant hub (Ms Daniela) were awarded with tokens during the eTwinning National Support Services (Dr Rosanna Camilleri). The school administration would like to thank these two very dedicated teachers for their initiative.

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!