Library Photos
Ramadan Party
Turkish Ambassador visits Mariam Albatool School
On Monday 16th April 2018 Her Excellency Basak Turkoglu (Turkish ambassador for Malta) paid a cordial visit to Mariam Albatool School. She was greeted by the Imam of the Muslim Community Mr Muhammad ElSaadi who introduced her to members of the board of trustees Dr Muhammed Kablan and Mr Abdulresaq Zmirli. Her visit consisted in visiting the Mosque where she recited her private prayers. Then she was accompanied around the classes of the school by the Head of School (Mr Kenneth Busuttil), the Assistant Head (Mr Brian Vassallo) and Ms Deborah Atanasio. She commented very positively at the learning environment of the school and at the high level of motivation exhibited by the students. Her Excellency also took the opportunity to converse with the teachers and also shared some of her experiences when she was a student at school.
After being escorted around the school, Her Excellency was cordially invited for a meeting where a number of issued were raised, amongst which were the sustainability of the school and the tapping of funds through foreign organizations. Her Excellency praised the achievements of the school and lauded its strategic importance in the Maltese Islands. She heartily thanked the school board of trustees, the administration, the teachers and the pupils for the warm welcome. She promised heightened cooperation and assistance to support the school and its projects and also suggested ways in which the Turkish embassy can be of assistance.
The School Board of Trustees and the School Administration would like to thank Her Excellency Basak Turkoglu for her visit and expressed their heartfelt desire for enhanced collaboration.
Below are photos commemorating the occasion.
Mariam Albatool School Celebrates 20 Years since its foundation!
As noted earlier this year, Mariam Albatool School is celebrating its 20th Anniversary since its inception in 1997. To commemorate this occasion Imam Mohammed ElSaadi together with the Board of Trustees hosted a dinner at the school hall.
The dinner was attended by Hon Carmelo Abela, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion and Former Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi. Attending were also numerous distinguished guests from the Ministry of Finance and from the Ministry of Education and Employment. Present were also Ms Maria Camilleri (former Head of School), Mr Kenneth Busuttil (Head of School) and Mr Brian Vassallo (Assistant Head of School) together with the school staff.
Before the dinner, Mr Muhammed El Sadi thanked Former Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi and Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat for continuous and unrelenting support to the school. He also thanked the distinguished guests for proving the necessary assistance for the school to continue to thrive and fulfill its mission and scope for which it was founded. Next, it was Hon Minister Carmelo Abela’s turn to deliver his speech. He stated that both government administrations have pledged their support to the school because they believed in its mission and in the unique educational model which the school professes. He iterated that the mission of the school is more prominent today since it embraces the changes the world is currently experiencing.
Guests were then invited to help themselves at the delicious dinner carefully prepared by Ms Elsadi. After the dinner, guests thanked Mr Elsadi for the dinner. It was a real pleasure for everybody experiencing the strong sense of unity and peace which dominated the whole atmosphere. A big thank you and well done to all!
Particular thanks go to Mr Alfred Scicluna for the organization and photographs.
The New School Library
The school library has been finally set up with the help of Ms Samah, Ms Doris and myself Mr David. We told the students to bring a book each. There were other books donated by an individual and also other books bought through fundraising. The number of books are always increasing. The books are graded with a colour tag which will denote the level of difficulty. The library also has floor mats with cushions where storytelling telling takes place.
The School Administration would like to thank Ms Samah, Mr David and Ms Doris for their initiative. Below are photos of the new school library.
Thank you.
Past Pupil from Mariam Albatool receives nomination by Forbes 2018!
Sara Ezabe, a past pupil from Mariam Albatool School has been named by Forbes as one of 30 young leaders shaping law and policy across Europe for her work fighting racism and discrimination on the island. Sara who is a law student, is the youngest person included on Forbes’ annual 30 Under 30 Europe list in the law and policy section. She was honoured for setting up RedefiningUs, an NGO which aims to promote inter-cultural acceptance, diversity and dialogue within Maltese society.
In 2016, Ezabe was one of 60 youths from across the Commonwealth to receive a ‘young leadership’ award from Queen Elizabeth at Westminster Abbey.ra,
Further details can be found at https://lovinmalta.com/news/news-human-interest/young-maltese-woman-gets-forbes-honour-for-anti-racism-activism
Our best wishes go to Sara, for her great accomplishments. Well Done !
VERY IMPORTANT Il-Mawled Annabi-rememberance day
29th November, 2017
As Salaamu Alaikom, Dear Parents / Guardians,
School Holidays – December
1st December, 2017: We would like to remind you that this Friday there will be no school due to Il-Mawled Annabi rememberance day;
8th December, 2017: Public Holiday, the school will be closed on this day;
12th December, 2017 – Parent’s Day: There will be no school for students on this day;
13th December, 2017 – National Holiday, the school will be closed on this day;
25th December – 5th January 2018 – Winter Break, no school on these days (both days included).
This is a gentle reminder that the new PE uniform is available from FULL MARKS SPORTING, 288 Zabbar Rd FGURA. Tel. no: 21677262. Students may wear the old PE kit until they need to buy a new one.
The School Administration
Creative writing in Year 2D
Writing does not have to be restricted to the same topics but can be child initiated. Children love writing their own stories and poems, simple as they may be, they are very creative and their imagination shines in these little books and short poems which, if this talent is encouraged and nurtured , encourages them to become proficient writers.
Ms Doris Schembri
Below are photos of the activity.
ALS Foundation Malta Founder visits Mariam Albatool School
ALS, or amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, people may lose the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe. The motor nerves that are affected when you have ALS are the motor neurons that provide voluntary movements and muscle control. Examples of voluntary movements are making the effort to reach for a smart phone or step off a curb. These actions are controlled by the muscles in the arms and legs
On Tuesday 14th March 2017, ALS Malta Founder Mr Bjorn Formosa, himself an ALS sufferer visited Mriam Abatool school to raise awareness of the condition and to raise funds for a special hme to aid ALS sufferers.
During his visit Mr Formosa spoke about the need to have courage in difficult moments and to garner support whenever this is needed. These statements were embraced and supported by Mr Muhamed Elsadi (Imam) and Mr Kenneth Busuttil (Head of School) who also thanked Mr Formosa for sharing his experiences with staff and students.
Before the activity a number of initiatives were taken to collect funds which would aid ALS sufferers have a more dignified life and supportive amenities which are an absolute necessity for ALS sufferers. The total amount of money raised by Mariam Albatool students and staff was 2000 euros. A big thank you to all school staff, parents and students.
The school administration would like to thank Mr Bjorn Formosa and his wife for their cordial visit.
Particular thanks go to Ms Romina Bugeja (Year 1 Teacher ) who was the organizer of the event. Below are photos commemorating the occasion.