I have always stressed the importance of reading with the children in my
class. In fact, we have our own class library and the children
themselves change the book on a weekly basis. One of my students in
class decided to write a book himself, after we did a Comprehension
which was about fantasy land. Omar Khaled wrote six chapters on his
own. The book is about two detectives in a magic land. Moreover, he
even wrote the blurb of the book and the characters. Well done Omar!
Sabiex inkomplu naħdmu fuq il-ħiliet li għandhom x’jaqsmu mat-taħriġ il-fehem tal-Malti, aħna
qegħdin nippreparaw attivitajiet interessanti għat-tfal għaliex indunajna li t-tfal, b’mod ġenerali fl-iskola tagħna jħarsu lejn il-Malti b’mod xettiku ħafna, u kultant jaqtgħu qalbhom minn dan is-suġġett.
Bħala għalliema tas-sitt sena, jiena għamilt attivita’ fejn estendejt it-taħriġ il-fehem li nagħmlu kull ġimgħa u għaqqadtha mal-kitba kreattiva. Din il-ġimgħa bdejna nitkellmu dwar l-annimali, kemm dawk domestiċi u oħrajn li jgħixu ġo foresta. It-tfal kellhom silta fuq hekk u wara kellhom jirrispondu xi mistoqsijiet ukoll. Wara li qrajna u ddiskutejna s-silta u l-mistoqsijiet flimkien, infurmajt lit-tfal li waqt il-lezzjoni tal-kitba, huma kienu se jiktbu djalogu. Jiena stajt nagħżel titlu li rrid imma biex inkompli nqajjem interess fit-tfal u nara kem veru fehmu is-silta dwar l-annimali għidtilhom li d-djalogu li kienu se jiktbu kien se jkun djalogu bejn żewġ annimali. It-tfal għamlu dan id-djalogu mingħajr ebda’ diffikulta. Jiena stajt ninnota li huma ħadu xi idejat li konnha ltqajna magħhom fis-silta tat-taħriġ il-fehem. Għaldaqstant jiena stajt nikkonkludi li t-tfal fiehmu is-silta dwar l-annimali.
L-istess tfal ħarġu b’idea li nagħmlu mima ta’ dan id-djalogu. Intużaw il-maskri tal-annimali wkollu l-lezzjoni kienet tassew interessanti. It-tfal kollha pparteċipaw u għamlu sforz kbir biex id-djalogu u l-mima jkunu oriġinali.
As part of the Culture Pass Scheme, a story animator from “Curious and Courageous- Lingnin Stories” produced a performance for years 1, 2 and 3 at our school. These activity sessions encourage reading and promote language and creative thinking.
The story was about the stone statue which in the story wakes up during the night. This statue dates back from the Neolithic period in Malta and it was found in the Hal Saflieni hypogeum. It symbolises the eternal sleep. It is now found in the National Archeology museum in Valletta. With the culture card given to your child last year they can visit it for free. This visit might come in handy for future history lessons your child might be having. Below is a link about this statue. You should ask them about this story…..
Indian Paper Art at Mariam Albatool School Yesterday at Mariam Albatool School a talented Indian artist by the name of Mr Ram has visitied Mariam Albatool School to deliver a performance in paper art making. Paper craft is the collection of art forms employing paper or card as the primary artistic medium for the creation of one, two or three-dimensional objects. Paper and card stock are the most widely used material in arts and crafts. He constructed a number of beautiful crafts which delighted the children who were enthusiatic to participate along with the artist. Mr Ram will be at Mariam Albatool School today to share his talents again with the parents attending Parents’ Day. A big well done to Mr Ram and the students!
Last week we had our long-awaited outing at The Farm. It was a wonderful and enriching experience for the children through which they learned a lot! Farmer Mark gave us plenty of information about the sheep and lambs on his farm. We saw Farmer Mark feeding and milking the sheep. He explained that every time he milks the sheep he checks that they are in good health and so their milk is good to use. Farmer Mark showed us how cheeselets (ġbejniet) are made out of the fresh milk and the children had the opportunity to taste the cheeselets too. Farmer Mark also showed us the lambs and the children could see them at close range and pet them too! We had a picnic on the farm and the children also had time to run and play in the fresh open air. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and this was definitely an outing that they will remember 🙂
Yesterday, we had a lovely visit by Ms.Doreen Micallef from wasteserve Malta. Ms Romina invited her in class as part of the eTwinning project ‘Water water everywhere’. Children listened attentively to Ms.Doreen and actively participated throughout the activities.
Ms.Doreen spoke about the importance of disposing of litter properly. She also helped the children understand the consequences of not disposing of our litter in the right way. She showed examples of sea animals and birds that end up dying because of plastic such as straws and balloons. She read a lovely story of a garbage truck and his important work towards our community! Ms.Doreen praised the children for their behaviour, interest and attention.
Wednesday, November 20 was World Children’s Day and during this week we celebrated the children of the world with various activities. We had a video learning session during which we learnt that children have ‘Rights’. All children have Rights to food, to a family and a home, to be protected and safe, to an education and to play. To honour the Right to Play on Wednesday we had outdoor play activities during which the children had time to engage in a tradition Maltese game (Iż-żunżana ddur, iddur), tug-of-war, and several other sports games. We also discussed the Right to Food and Water after which the children drew their own idea of what is good food. Their drawings, which included attempts of writing words, are now displayed in the corridor. The children had an experience of making their own ‘Ħobż biż-żejt’ a traditional healthy snack with bread, olive oil, tomato paste and olives. This gave them the opportunity to learn how to use a knife safely! During the week we also discussed that we are blessed to have food and clean water to keep us healthy. The children became aware that not all children are so fortunate. They came up with the idea of sharing food with other less fortunate children so we are collecting food items to give away. This is a perfect opportunity for the children to learn to be generous and to share what they have with others. #wcd2019
As part of World Chldren’s Day activities we made a chart together and I explained the idea behind this special day and what their rights are. I also pointed out that they are lucky to have parents and teachers who help them to grow. We also made cupcakes and pop corn and played with balloons. Attached, please find the pictures bellow.