Hygiene KG1A

Assalamu Aleikum dear parents!

Today, we discussed the importance of having good personal hygiene. This was reinforced through an activity where the children got to wash their Barbie dolls which represented their shower routine at home. Afterwards, they dried off the dolls and brushed their hair. It was a huge hit with the children! Here are some pictures 🙂

Thank you,
Ms Amber

Kg1A – Popcorn !

Assalamu Aleikum!

Today in KG1A we made popcorn! This hands on activity helped the children to notice the difference between raw corn and cooked popcorn. The children  managed to point out that when the corn is raw, it’s yellow, hard and small while when it’s cooked, it becomes white, soft and big.

They loved every minute of it and this could be seen from their pleased faces as well as from their squeals of excitement every time the corn popped !

This was a great experience for our younger ones who had the opportunity to distinguish between cooked food and raw food by distinguishing from its colour, texture and taste. A very big. Well Done !




Staff Celebrates Pink October

Today Mariam Albatool School celebrated Pink October. This is an initiative aimed to raise awareness and funds for the fight against breast cancer. The principal goals include generating awareness, raising funds, and encouraging men and women to participate. In Malta, activities are  held over 30 days, where there is a whole host of exciting fundraising activities that anyone can take part in, and these culminate in the famous fun run!

Assalamu Aleikum and welcome to KG1A!

Assalamu Aleikum and welcome to KG1A!

Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Amber Micallef and I have been working within the education sector for around four years. To help you better understand the way I teach here is a brief explanation on how I work.
Children, although young, have a lot to offer and teach us. By observing them and giving them ample room to explore, one would be amazed at how they perceive the world and how many fun and unique ideas they can come up with.
Within my teaching methodology I start by first observing the children to determine what their likes and dislikes are. Afterwards, I come up with fun, hands on and stimulating activities related to their interests to further help their development.

I believe that books are a great tool which helps young minds let their imagination run wild whilst also helping them target all of their areas of development. From various different books, one can abstract different themes which all connect to one book.

“Every child is a different kind of flower and all together, make this world a beautiful garden” – Friedrich Froebel

Life Science in the Classroom

Live Science in the classroom

One of the Learning Outcomes for the children of Year 1 is to learn about the world around them. This includes the different kinds of animals with which we share the world. One creature we researched and learnt about is the frog and its life cycle. We had LIVE tadpoles in class so that we could get a closer look. The children were fascinated by the tadpoles and they also grasped the idea that a frog goes through many changes from when it is an egg until it becomes an adult frog. This understanding can be seen by a task the children had to complete. The cutting task was another opportunity for the children to strengthen their finger muscles so as to have a more controlled pencil grip and better handwriting.    The tadpoles were returned to their pond right after school   .

Cooking Apple Pies Year 2 Mr David

Cooking our delicious apple pie. Here are the photos of your children baking an apple pie. It is more of a pudding – its actual name is Eve’s pudding. Every body helped in baking. Some peeled the apples, measured the flour, sugar, oil or baking powder. The flour was passed through the sieve, others cracked open the eggs, others beat the eggs, mixed the ingredients and poured the mixture. This activity is not only an enjoyable activity for the children but also teaches them to follow a set of instructions. You will be receiving the recipe by post in the coming weeks after we write it down in a creative writing lesson. Then as a class we will go to the post office and each student will buy a stamp and post it to your home address. Thanks a lot Ms Clare and Ms Christine for all your help today !!!

Mariam Albatool School’s Student Council Elected!

Our school has just elected its Student Council. Members of the Council are class prefects from the Year 3 classes up to Year 6. They will be representing their classmates and will bring forward any suggestions and ideas needed to improve the school.
The first meeting took place during the break on Tuesday 16th October. The Council discussed the aims and purpose of its setup and individual roles within in were assigned. Council members are: Hedaia Yr6, Reeam Yr 5.1, Isaac Yr 5.2, Nawal Yr 4.2, Omar Yr 4.1, Omar Yr3.2 and Youssef Yr 3.1.
The school would like to congratulate the new Council members and all students for partaking in such an important democratic process.


Look at what the KG2 students at Mariam Albatool School are up to! They’ve discovered that they have ten super-powers and they’re on a mission to design a life they love and make the world a happier place.Special thanks to the wonderful KGE Romina Bugeja

Teachers – we have resources, competitions and special promotions we’d love to share with you. Drop us a line at  helloauntysab@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to tell you more.

Introduction Ms Romina

Assalamo Alaykum and Welcome to Kindergarten 2R.

Kindergarten is one of the first steps towards a child’s educational journey. Research shows that in the first few years of our life we absorb a lot of information.  In my classroom I spend time observing each student entrusted in my care. I interact with each child so as to make sure I get to know each child individually. Only after getting familiar with my students abilities, likes and dislikes I am able to plan activities that are according to their interest and abilities. In my class we use  ‘The project approach’. The Project Approach refers to a set of teaching strategies which enable teachers to guide children through in-depth studies of real world topics. Topics are chosen according to the interest of the students.

Parents can follow their child learning journey through the class page where photos and videos of the activities are posted.

Thank you for your time.



Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!