Outing at Esplora

 Outing to Esplora
Today the children had a very exciting outing at Esplora. They had a show about ‘Sound’ during which we all took part. They also had the opportunity to try out a lot of experiments in the different sections of the Esplora Complex. It was a very interesting outing 🙂

Chicken and Lamb Couscous

What a fine way to finish an extremely hectic day ! This typical Lamb and Chicken Couscous, freshly cooked by the expert hands of Ms Souad, Ms Asmaa Ms Nuzha and Ms Samira was served to all the staff to savour Coupled with this delicacy we also had the opportunity to taste some tuna bread meticulously prepared by Ms Jessica and Mr Alfred. The bread was also distributed to all our wonderful students. And as the saying goes…. the proof of the pudding is in the eating ! And I assure you all was gobbled up ! A BIG THANK YOU AND WELL DONE TO ALL!


Assalamu Aleikum dear parents!

Today in KG1A, we did a sensory activity for the little ones as an invitation for the topic “Autumn”. Different coloured materials were used to showcase the beautiful colours that are around us during Autumn.

Children got to use all their 5 senses through the feeling of different textures (rice, lentils), different sounds, different taste (cereal) etc.

They spent a good hour happily playing whilst also learning some attributes each vegetable had.

Since we received such great feedback from the little ones, we will be focusing on Autumn for the upcoming few weeks to cater to the children’s interests Inshallah.

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