You matter no matter what!

On Friday 29th March, the Student Council attended the launch of the report compiled by the Children’s Hub of the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. The initiative is called ‘You matter no matter what’ and has given voice to many children around the Maltese islands.

Mariam Albatool School was awarded with a certificate of participation by Her Excellency The President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca and the Director General of the Foundation Dr Ruth Farrugia.

Our school is proud to have taken part in this initiative!

THANK YOU to all students and to Ms Debbie Atanasio for this excellent initiative.

Mary: A sign of unity between Muslims and Christians.

A very interesting seminar organised by Imam Muhammad El Saadi. During the seminar different affluent speakers spoke about Mary as cited in the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Bible and how the the two messages can used to unify the role of Muslims and Christians in today’s society. Below are some pictures taken during the occasion.

Imam Muhammad Elsaadi would like to thank all those who participated in the seminar and looks forward for more similar activities.

Invitation from Birgu Primary School

Nixtieq nirringrazzja lill-kap tal-iskola Primarja tal-Birgu, tal-istedina taghha biex nattendu u nsegwu l-programm li ppreparaw. Inizjattivi bhal dawn jghinu biex inwaqqghu l-hitan u nibnu l-pontijiet. Bhala edukaturi u kollegi, it-tnejn li ahna nemmnu fil-valuri tat-tolleranza u r-rispett reciproku u kien proprju ghalhekk li ghamilna stqarrija kongjunta fuq dan is-suggett. Grazzi.

Kenneth Busuttil

Kap tal-iskola

Mariam Albatool School

Safety at Home

Both Year 3 classes had a Maltese reading book about firefighters and safety. They really liked the book and we, educators thought about organizing an outing to the fire station in Paola in which the pupils could see what the work of a firefighter actually involves. Everyone enjoyed the outing and the firefighters themselves asked us to visit our school for a follow-up activity in which they themselves talked about safety at home. It was a very fruitful experience for the pupils.

The school administration would like to thank Ms Jessica Muscat and Ms Doris Schembri for their dedication towards the holistic development of all pupils under their care. THANK YOU !


Both Year 3 classes had a Maltese reading book about firefighters and safety. They really liked the book and we, educators thought about organizing an outing to the fire station in Paola in which the pupils could see what the work of a firefighter actually involves. Everyone enjoyed the outing and the firefighters themselves asked us to visit our school for a follow-up activity in which they themselves talked about safety at home. It was a very fruitful experience for the pupils.

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!