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October 2019 – Mariam AlBatool School

Mawra s’ Ghawdex

Mawra fejn tfal taghna tal-Year 2 ltaqghu ma’ tfal ohrajn tal-iskola Primarja ta’ San Lawrenz, Ghawdex.

Esperjenza unika u mill-isbah fejn ghat-tfal ma tezisti l-ebda tip ta’ barriera. Bl-innocenza u bit-tbissima taghhom, it-tfal jghallmuna hafna. Prosit tassew! Bravi hafna!

Grazzi lis-Sur Saviour Tabone, il-kap tal-iskola, u l-istaff kollu tal-iskola tal-istedina u l-ospitalita’ taghhom.

Kenneth Busuttil

Visit by Her Excellency Ms Brigitte Curmi- French Ambassador for Malta

Visit by French Ambassador for Malta, Her Excellency Brigette Curmi at Mariam Albatool School.

Today staff and students were honoured by a visit from Her Excellency, Ms Brigitte Curmi – the French Amabassador for Malta. During her visit she was also accompanied by His Excellency the Libyan Ambassador for Malta, Mr Saadun Suayeh together with other distinguished guests.
Ms Curmi was later toured around the school accompanied by Imam Muhammad El Sadi, Dr Mohammed Kablan, Mr Kenneth Busuttil, Mr Brian Vassallo and Ms Deborah Atanasio.

During her visit Ms Curmi expressed her pleasure at being surrounded by such an enthusiastic group of educators and students. She also expressed her sincere gratitude at the warm reception organised by Imam Muhammad El Sadi -Director of the school. Ms Curmi iterated her support to the school and expressed her desire for further collaboration in the near future.

The school administration would like to thank Ms Curmi, Mr Suayeh and the other distinguished guests for visiting Mariam Albatool School.

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!