Dinja wahda activity. Migration of swallows. Watching a video about migration and then colouring the swallows
Learning Support Educator
A vacancy has also arisen for the post of Learning Support Educators. Ideal candidates must be in possession of qualifications relevant to the post.
Candidates have to sit for an interview and are to produce original documents.
Interested persons are invited to send their c.v. by e-mail to albatool@melita.com or by post to The Head of School, Mariam Albatool School, Islamic Centre, Dom Mintoff Road Paola – PLA 9037. Closing date: 18th February 2019.
Training session conducted by Mr Gaetano Bugeja (Director – Curriculum)
Training session conducted by Mr Gaetano Bugeja (Director – Curriculum)
During the session Mr Bugeja gave a captivating account of the necessity to continue cultivating a drive for Formative Assessment. He cited numerous examples as to how a culture of continuous assessment is in fact a reality reflected in the place of work. He clearly explained that what is sowed during the formative years in the kinder and primary sectors is reflected in secondary school, in higher educational institutions and later on at work placements.
He praised teachers at Mariam Albatool School for being at the very forefront to embrace changes in the educational sector.
It was real pleasure having Mr Bugeja supporting the initiatives of the school.
A big THANK YOU goes to the Educators present during the meeting and who participated very actively and whose queries were answered by the speaker.
The School Administration and Staff would like to THANK Mr Bugeja for his constant and relentless support to our school. A BIG WELL Done to all
No School Days
Dear Parents’,
Assalamu alaikom
Please be informed that the school will be closed on the following days:
1st FEBRUARY – SDP meeting
14th FEBRUARY – Teaching staff education course
26th APRIL – School Holiday
Thank You
The School Administration
Visit by the dentist !
On Thursday 24th January 2019, students from years 3,4,5 and 6 were invited for a short talk by a dentist from the Department of Health. The dentist spoke about the importance of taking care of our teeth. He also gave an interesting demonstration on how to brush teeth and keeping them healthy. During the talk the students had the opportunity to participate and ask questions on the topic. A big well done to all students, their teachers and LSEs and also the dentist !
New Library Books
The following books were added this week to our school library. These include some classic English stories and readers in the Maltese language too.
Trobbija tan-Nahal
Rapprezentanti mid-Dipartiment tal-Agrikoltura ghamlu prezentazjoni lill-istudenti tat-tieni u tat-tielet sena dwar it- trobbija tan nahal u l-importanza taghhom fl-ambjent Malti. Kienet idea tal-istudenti tat-tielet sena wara li qraw il-ktieb “Ghand tan-Nahal” ta’ Clare Azzopardi u Rachel Portelli. L-Amministrazjoni tal-iskola tixtieq tirringraza lil Ms Maria Dolores Schembri, lil Ms Jessica Muscat u lis- Sur David Tedesco tal-interess li wrew u l-impenn li hadu biex it-tfal ikollom nofs-ta-nhar ta’ taghlim prattiku fuq dan id-delizju hekk interessanti.
Teacher (Primary)
A Vacancy has arisen for the post of Teacher (Primary). Applicants must preferably possess a degree in Education specializing in Maltese or equivalent.
Candidates have to sit for an interview and are to produce original documents.
Interested persons are invited to send their c.v. by e-mail to albatool@melita.com or by post to The Head of School, Mariam Albatool School, Islamic Centre, Dom Mintoff Road Paola – PLA 9037. Closing date: 7th February 2019.
Initiative to Support Children in Hospital
Initiative to support Children in Hospital.
The Commissioner for Children has asked school children to contribute pencil colours and crayons as an incentive to support hospitalised children. During a spontaneous discussion the children in Year 1 agreed that they would like to contribute to this worthy cause and a collection of colours was made!! Such incentives promote generosity and solidarity, which are admirable qualities we want to see in our children. Well-done Year 1 !!!