Message from Head of School

Dear Parents,
Hope you and your families are keeping well.
This note is to inform you that the school will remain closed for this scholastic year to combat the spread of Covid-19. The plan right now is to have schools re-opened next September.
Educators at Mariam Albatool will continue delivering their lessons online, as is happening at present. This process will come to an end in June.
Kindly inform the teachers directly if you encounter any difficulties. Students are highly encouraged to do their work and revise regularly because as a general rule, children are not expected to repeat this scholastic year.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Kind regards,
Mr Kenneth Busuttil
Head of School

Important Message from the School Administration

As Salaamu Alaikom wa Rahmatullah,                                                                            circular12/2019-20

Dear Parents’

Following the directive from the Government on 12th March 2020, MARIAM ALBATOOL School closed on Friday 13th March and will remain closed until further notice.

How will we stay in touch while school is closed? Throughout the school closure we will keep in regular contact with parents by email (albatool@melita,com; and by phone, 21664791, 21820644. Mr. Kenneth will be in his office every Tuesday and Ms Debbie every Thursday. The secretaries’ office will be open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 0900hrs till 1200hrs, while you may contact Mr. Brian on the school’s facebook page ~ Mariam Albatool School or the website:

How will the school deliver a continued education to my child during closure? Many of you and your children will have received emails from teachers piloting teaching methods, giving instructions and generally setting things up. We are working hard with a common goal that is to ensure that our students continue with their education. Our teachers and Learning Support Educators are constantly providing online lessons while sending and receiving students’ work on their class facebook page and other mediums. Please ensure that your child is daily accessing the class page and is in regular contact with his or her teachers.

Will my school fees be affected? There will be no change to the fees payable for pupils. I am sure you can understand that the closure happened as a result of a  Force Majeure (i.e, circumstances beyond our control). Notwithstanding this our teachers and LSEs are doing their utmost in order that your children continue to receive their education. Therefore kindly take this as a formal reminder that the fees for the third term are now due. It is appreciated that for the safety of all, payment is effected online or deposited at the bank in order that we limit contact (details hereunder). Should this not be possible, you may effect payment at the secretaries’ office on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. We kindly appreciate that you produce the exact amount as we may not have change. Also kindly observe the distance of at least one metre between one person and the other as recommended by the Health Dept.

We are expecting your total commitment and cooperation and thanking you in advance for your payments. The school is in dire need of the fees and failing to effect payment may inhibit the children’s education. While we appreciate wholeheartedly the ongoing Government’s financial assistance to the school the expenses cannot be covered without your payments and contributions.

In these difficult, anxious and stressful times, Mariam Albatool will be there for you and your children, providing a sense of continuity and stability.

Please try to stay well and stay at home.

Ms. Simone Palmier Arab

for The School Administration



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Message from Head of School

Dear Parents,

First and foremost, I hope that you and your loved ones are fine and in the best of health.

Your concerns right now are entirely valid and understandable. Kindly rest assured that new topics will be revised as soon as school re-opens and if possible, these will also be revised next scholastic year. It is our duty to make sure that students do not miss on having a proper education.

In the meantime, you are encouraged to keep contact with your teacher/s and please do not hesitate to keep in touch whenever this is needed.

Thank you for your attention. Stay safe and stay at home!

Kind regards,

Mr Kenneth Busuttil

Head of School

Message from Head of School re Covid 19 and school work.

Dear parents and guardians,
First and foremost, I hope that you are fine and in the best of health. In view of the current COVID-19 situation, all educators at Mariam Albatool were asked to keep in contact with students and parents, by means of digital online tools such as emails, tablets, class Facebook pages and groups.

As you know, our school is not operating physically but we want to ensure that our students are benefitting from online teaching resources. Unfortunately, we do not know when the school will open its doors again, so we want to make sure that teaching and learning still takes place in an effective and efficient manner.

If there are any questions or concerns, kindly address them directly to our staff via MABS email addresses.
Enquiries regarding our educators’ email addresses can be made through the school’s secretaries’ emails on; or .

Do not hesitate to contact me directly on for further clarifications. Thank you once again for your continued support and efforts. Please follow the
instructions given by the Maltese health authorities and stay safe!
Kind regards to you and your families.

Mr Kenneth Busuttil
Head of School

Book Donation from National Literacy Agency

Yesterday, two representatives from the Reading Literacy Agency visited our Year 5 class to donate some books. These were donated after a poetry book published by the year 5s was reviewed by the CEO of the Literacy Agency Mr David Muscat who was so pleased that he awarded the class with 26 reading books.

These books are now in the classroom library for the students to borrow. The school administration would like to thank Ms Nicole Muscat for her initiative. A word of thanks also goes to Ms Etienne Cini for the support he gives to the class.

May we remind you that should anyone wish to purchase this book it is available for the cost of €2.50. It is important to support our students and embrace reading.

Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il-Malti

Tkompli l- hidma: Pjan ta’ Azzjoni favur il Fehim mill-qari. Introduzzjoni tal-lezzjoni billi t-tfal gew murija kaxxa u jippruvaw jaqtghu x’hemm fiha skont il-hoss tac-cekcik. Wara inghaqdu fi gruppi biex jirrectaw dwar holma li kellhom.Mill-qari tas-silta, l-istudenti kienu mharrga f’vokabularju gdid u fehim mill-qari.
Grazzi lil Ms Jessica Muscat u lil Ms Christine Refalo tax- xoghol taghhom.

Welcome to the school website!
Welcome the school website!
Welcome to the school website!